The center of psychological recovery and how to create it?

A corporate center of psychological recovery is a special space for rest and active recovery of mental and physical health of the company's employees.
For more than 12 years I have been studying the healing properties of light and color. And that is why my project of the center of psychological recovery is based on the results of my research, experience of work with my patients on the correction of psychosomatic conditions with the help of color therapy. This is what determines the originality and uniqueness of my job!

What should be in the center of psychological recovery according to my methodology?

I will use RED LIGHT therapy to correct stress and related health problems

Red and near-infrared light are part of the electromagnetic spectrum and, more specifically, part of the spectrum of light emitted by the sun. These wavelengths of light are “bioactive” in humans. The best-studied mechanism of action surrounding red and near-infrared light therapy is the stimulation of mitochondrial energy production in the cells. Mitochondria are tiny organelles (organs within a cell) that produce all of the energy that our cells and our bodies ultimately need. Red light therapy is thought to primarily cause its positive effects by helping the mitochondria create more energy. Red light therapy is ultimately thought to improve the efficiency and speed of the electron transport chain, improving the availability of ATP in the cells and throughout the body. This increased energy is what is thought to provide the many benefits that red light therapy is used for.
Red light and near-infrared light, conversely, have longer wavelengths and are able to reach much deeper, penetrating through many layers of body tissue. This has two main effects:
  • It reaches a greater amount of body tissue. While the light passes through many layers of body tissue, it has the potential to interact with every cell it touches, allowing for a larger volume of tissue to be impacted.
  • It reaches deep body tissue. Because it penetrates deeply, red and near-infrared light can reach areas of the body that are considered relatively inaccessible. Tissues like muscles, joints, and even brain tissues may be reached by these types of light.
Benefits of red and near-infrared light therapy include:
  • Stimulates wound healing and tissue repair
  • Reduces aging effects by supporting collagen production
  • Reduces pain by decreasing swelling and inflammation
  • Improves joint health
  • Improves physical performance through improved muscle recovery and energy levels
  • Improves sleep quality and duration

Deep Stretching

Deep Stretching give gentle stretching of the spine, neck, muscles and joints, recovery of the musculoskeletal system and release of psychosomatic tension. During the exercises gently restores the spine, joints, muscles and ligaments. After stretching improves posture, well-being, gait and voice. Mood improves, the body becomes easier, there is cheerfulness, there is a burst of strength and energy. The equipment promotes flexibility and elasticity of the joints and spine, the elasticity of muscles. Deep Stretching an excellent way to reduce pain in scoliosis, sciatica and arthritis. Exercises contribute to the treatment and prevention of intervertebral protrusions and hernias.
It is now known that stress is "recorded" in the fascial and muscular systems of the body in the form of spasms! When a person watches a personal color correction, he reduces the level of mental stress, and Deep Stretching effectively relieves muscle cramps and reduces physical pain.
Color correction is a high-tech way to restore health! Personal color correction course is an individual video file, in which a personal set of color highlights in a certain sequence is recorded. This file is prepared based on the results of color testing and takes into consideration more than eight hundred personal parameters obtained from a person when constructing a personal model of color perception.
While watching the personal color correction sessions takes place:
  • improvement of the psycho-emotional state (anxiety disappears, conscious and unconscious fears and deep negative experiences are eliminated);
  • reducing the level of stress;
  • smoothing out the patient's negative character traits;
  • restoration of mental equilibrium.
The main idea of the center is that individual color correction + red light baths comprehensively unload the psyche, and body practices of deep stretching give muscular relaxation. All this is done to activate the principle of biofeedback, which says that working with the psyche relaxes the body, and working with the body strengthens the psyche. Thus, there is a drug-free correction of psychosomatic diseases.
RELAX zone

Of course, the center should have a RELAX zone, which includes a series of comfortable sofas for resting or sleeping, lawn grass (so people can feel outside without leaving the building), comfortable chairs, a working area for psychologists, and an area for changing clothes.  Employees can listen personal audio meditations, watch personal color correction, and communicate with psychologists or each other.

Perhaps consideration should be given to having pets in the psychological recovery center. Increased productivity, increased cooperation and reduced stress are the natural effects of giving our furry four-legged friends free reign in the office.

What exactly does corporate management need to do?

The key question is to understand why your corporation needs a Corporate Recovery Center.

Corporate management needs to understand the cost of not implementing recovery initiatives. There are now many credible studies that prove that poor physical and mental health, leads to low productivity and absenteeism due to frequent sick leave.

Value on Investment (VOI) is a newer, broader metric. The metric measures not only revenue, but also elements that contribute to job satisfaction, employee well-being and business performance, such as productivity and employee retention. Armed with a solid VOI plan, you'll get answers to questions about the measurability of your investment in this project.

8 steps to launching a corporate center of psychological recovery

Your first task is for senior leaders to understand the need of this center. Formulate how a recovery initiative will not only change the lives of your employees, but also help the business achieve its goals.
Create a dedicated team of psychologists, HR specialists, and financial management staff to lead this project.
Collect data. Go to the people to whom the initiative will apply: your employees. Use a combination of existing data, absolute and turnover data, and primary research in the form of internal surveys and face-to-face meetings to pinpoint the details of the project.
Make a plan. Based on your own research and analysis, create a plan of action that you will take. Formally document the goals of the initiative and the objectives you would like to achieve. Linking the program to the company's existing metrics and demonstrating VOI will be the ideal rationale for your actions. Once you have a clear idea of the actions you would like to take, do research on the cost and expenses of setting up a corporate psychological recovery center. Compare the project budget to the cost of the wellness waiver.
Develop a program and open the center. Now is the time to set the wheels in motion and solve the problems associated with it.
Inform your employees about the center's work. This step is probably the most important, but the least effective: get the word out about the center to your employees. Create excitement and make sure everyone gets the point, tell them about the importance of well-being and how it will positively impact their lives. Start working with your employees on a new mental recovery center.
Measure impact. Measure areas such as participation, budget expenditures, behavioral changes, and participant satisfaction. It would be a good idea to send out a company-wide survey to determine engagement levels. A broader analysis could be related to the organization's goals: has business productivity improved since you implemented the corporate psychological recovery center?
Celebrate your successes. Using the same communication channels let your employees know by sharing success stories about how your health and wellness initiative has had a positive effect.
I would be interested in this project for a company with 3,000 or more employees. What do you think of the idea?
I will be glad to discuss the details of cooperation. Use the contact form to talk with me.
Corporate Clinical
Psychological Workshop By Todor Milykh (Master of Clinical Psychology (MCP))
  • Merbau Psychology LTD, 1000, Bulgaria, Sofia, Golo Bardo str. 16, office 5
  • +359 896 885 295

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