My Business Services

A professional medical psychologist handles the following tasks:
Monitoring the stress level of employees and its impact on mental and health
In large corporations such "threat to survival" often becomes the fear of dismissal. If you make employees understand that they may lose their jobs at any time, the result may not be what the management expects. Instead of motivated employees, people who are under constant stress will come to work. Let's say someone perceives the fear of being fired as a threat to life. And this fear of "death" triggers physical illnesses.
Analyzing the level of conflict and emotional involvement of employees in corporate conflicts

One of the causes of psychosomatic diseases are conflicts in the team. Therefore, large companies should have both a clinical psychologist and a conflict counselor on staff who monitors employee relationships and makes sure that people are effective and motivated. He observes, diagnoses, consults individually and conducts group trainings aimed at preventing and solving conflict situations.

The task of the conflictologist and medical psychologist is to neutralize the conditions that trigger the "survival" program in the employee's mind. This requires that employees have the opportunity to tell the psychologist about the situation and their feelings and emotions. This gives a feeling of safety and reduces the level of anxiety.

Explains to employees that they are safe

Often to prevent the survival program from starting, you just need to remind the employee that the situation is safe, that there is no strong threat.  The psychologist will verbally explain that nothing terrible has happened, there will be no critical consequences.

Explains to employees that they are safe

Often to prevent the survival program from starting, you just need to remind the employee that the situation is safe, that there is no strong threat.  The psychologist will verbally explain that nothing terrible has happened, there will be no critical consequences.

A medical psychologist manages the rest and mental recovery areas

If a stressful situation has already occurred, it is important to give the body energy for further recovery as soon as possible. It is advisable not to postpone this process. When we work, we inevitably experience tension and find ourselves in stressful situations, even if there is no obvious conflict.

The body at that moment is in a tonus, it needs to survive, so it acts, works. The internal tension accumulates, but sooner or later it breaks through and already turns into a disease. That's why, many people get sick on vacation. When the "danger" is gone, the body begins to relax and recover. Then, most often the «runny nose» appears.

If regularly allocate time for rest and recovery, the body will not accumulate this tension and get rid of it with the disease. In the office it is necessary to arrange rest zones (psychological recovery center), where employees can communicate with a psychologist, can undergo specialized testing and assess the level of psychosomatic threat and get professional recommendations on how to reduce stress. In such areas employees can read or meditate, they can lie and rock on hammocks, listen to music. Even a short break in a "safe" stress-free zone will be good for employees' health, and a healthy person works most efficiently!

Analyzing the level of conflict and emotional involvement of employees in corporate conflicts

One of the causes of psychosomatic diseases are conflicts in the team. Therefore, large companies should have both a clinical psychologist and a conflict counselor on staff who monitors employee relationships and makes sure that people are effective and motivated. He observes, diagnoses, consults individually and conducts group trainings aimed at preventing and solving conflict situations.

The task of the conflictologist and medical psychologist is to neutralize the conditions that trigger the "survival" program in the employee's mind. This requires that employees have the opportunity to tell the psychologist about the situation and their feelings and emotions. This gives a feeling of safety and reduces the level of anxiety.

Tracks systemic cases of employee health problems

When talking about collective health, it's systemic cases that are important to track. If a person gets sick once a year and returns to work normally, there is no reason to dig deep. If, on the other hand, illnesses in a team become too frequent, the reason may be unhealthy conditions at work or at home. This means that a person cannot cope with some prolonged conflict. As a consequence, one or the other organ reacts, depending on the situation.

The work of a clinical psychologist is beneficial to any corporation

Figures and facts

It is profitable for companies to take care of the health, physical, and psychological well-being of their employees. Every day that an employee spends on sick leave costs the company money. Absolute figures vividly illustrate this thesis. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only 2016, the U.S. economy incurred $2 billion in costs due to company employees being absent from work due to illness.

There are studies that support the long-term cost-effectiveness of corporate wellness programs. For example, the Rand Research Corporation analyzed employee data from companies over a ten-year period and concluded that corporate wellness programs save companies up to $30 per month per employee and reduce employee hospital stays by 30%.

The modern approach to employee health care is not limited to providing quality medical services. Relatively recently, leading companies have shifted to a more sophisticated and non-linear approach that is based on the wellbeing philosophy.

The main principle of wellbeing is to maintain a balance between physical, emotional and financial well-being, as well as to create a conscious attitude of employees to their own health.

Special attention should be paid to corporate psychological recovery centers.  While physical ailments among employees lead to absences from work, depression and psycho-emotional malaise are now the leading causes of lower productivity.

For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), depression among workers in U.S. companies leads to an average of 11.5 days of reduced productivity each month. The costs in absolute numbers go up to $44 billion annually.

Burnout at work is becoming a pervasive problem.  According to a study by Forbes and Kronos, burnout affects about half of employees at large companies each year. The main reasons for this is the imbalance between the effort an employee puts in and the level of compensation they receive. We should expect that in big companies burnout prevention will become one of the most important elements of corporate care about employees' health.

The implementation of corporate centers of psychological recovery should give higher rates of productivity and further reduce the duration of temporary disability.

Results of my efforts:

  • Continuous monitoring of employee health and stress levels through color testing. Implementation of personal color correction viewings into the corporate culture.
  • Calm, healthy and motivated employees to work efficiently (personal color correction reduces stress levels and improves mood!)
  • Reduced employee turnover/reduced sick time.
  • Employees are compatible with each other; conditions for corporate conflicts are minimized.
  • Assessment of HR risks, employee loyalty is invaluable information for making management decisions. Color testing allows evaluating the psychological motives of behavior and psychosomatic risks of an employee.
Global practice shows that the use of the services of clinical psychologists can reduce morbidity in the team by 40%, the number of days of disability - by 20%, increase the detection of chronic diseases - by 10 - 15% and as a result reduce the average period of temporary disability by 30%. According to the British insurance company Bupa, the productivity of healthy people is higher by 20%, which promises hundreds of millions of dollars in additional income.
I will be glad to discuss the details of cooperation. Use the contact form to talk with me.
Corporate Clinical
Psychological Workshop By Todor Milykh (Master of Clinical Psychology (MCP))
  • Merbau Psychology LTD, 1000, Bulgaria, Sofia, Golo Bardo str. 16, office 5
  • +359 896 885 295

I will be glad to discuss the details of cooperation. Please send me information about the vacancy on one of messengers. Thank you for contacting me and have a nice and pleasant day!

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