About Me: education and interests

My name is Todor Milykh. I am a clinical psychologist, a biohacker-practitioner, and a former therapist.

I was born into a mixed family, my mother is Ukrainian and my father is Bulgarian. My parents are physicians: my father is a gastroenterologist and my mother is a pharmacist. That's why the question of my main education was not discussed for a long time. My parents wanted me to study medicine and I liked their work. So I went to medical  university.

Practicing as a doctor showed me that every disease has a mental component. And if it is not taken into consideration when treating a patient, the result of therapy will not be satisfactory. And then I decided to study clinical psychology.

In 2002 I graduated from the Russian State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine.

In 2012 I graduated with honors from the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis with a specialization in "Clinical Psychology". The topic of my qualification work was "Peculiarities of the social environment in personality disorders (psychopathies) of adolescents".

In 2016 I finished my master's degree at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis in the field of "Psychology". The topic of my qualification work is "Possibilities of color therapy in psychological correction of people with early forms of neurotic disorders".

I do personal-psychological consulting, my specialty is "Psychosomatics". My field of interest is the assessment of personal risks of psychosomatic pathology development. For this purpose, I use the professional medical-psychological software "Wanderer" (its web version "Virtual Health Scanner").

My hobby and favorite professional field is marriage counseling. One of the main risk factors for psychosomatic pathology is an unsuccessful partner in a marital relationship. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the spouse candidate not only from an emotional and sexual point of view but also from a medical-psychological one! This is what my consultation "The Ideal Marital Partner" is all about.

2023 - 2026

Medical University Prof. Paraskev (Varna, Bulgaria)/Department of Psychiatry. PhD program in clinical psychology.


Fitness Academy Bulgaria (Sofia, Bulgaria)/ EQF Level 4 Personal Trainer/ EQF Level 3 Fitness Instructor (European Register of Exercise Professionals - EREP)


Burgas Free University (Burgas, Bulgaria)/Master in Counseling Psychology


Training in dynamic segment diagnostics POINTS («Avicenna»/Minsk/Belarus)


Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis (Moscow)/Master's Degree in Psychology


Bioresonance testing and therapy training («Alfa Med Ukraina»/Kiev)


Professional training in colour testing and colour correction (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ("RAEN") / «MIMEX» Academic Organisation)


Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis (Moscow)/Specialty "Clinical Psychology"


Russian State Medical University (Moscow)/Physician Medicine.

My professional advantages
11 years
11 years of psychological practice
9000 hours
More than 9,000 hours of personal counseling

As they say, a good doctor is a healthy doctor! Indeed, this is true! Working with people is possible only if a specialist can harmonize himself. I, just like any other person, live a real life that is full of stress on various occasions. However, my education, experience, practical knowledge, and lifestyle allow me to successfully regulate my physical and mental condition. Judge for yourself!

Therapeutic fasting is the norm of my life! And as a practitioner, I can say that it has a unique effect both on improving overall health, rejuvenation, and on the level of calmness of the psyche and harmonious perception of life in general.
Therapeutic fasting

Therapeutic fasting is a technique that very effectively defeats psychosomatic conditions. The founder of therapeutic fasting was Yuri Sergeyevich Nikolaev, a Soviet and Russian psychiatrist. Doctor of Medicine, author of works on unloading and diet therapy, defended his doctoral thesis on "Unloading and diet therapy of schizophrenia and its physiological justification" as far back as 1960. For my work with patients his book "Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Diseases by Metered-Dose Fasting", published in 1969, is important. Now there are modern methods of therapeutic fasting based on his developments, and I use one of these methods in my practice for myself and my clients.

Since 2015 I have been practicing therapeutic fasting, and since 2019 I have switched to the technique of food pauses, which involves giving up food every month for 7 full days. 

I have been practicing meditation and qigong for more than 15 years...
Meditation and qigong is a system of breathing and movement exercises performed primarily for health and therapeutic purposes. During the Qigong complex, the body relaxes and the mind enters into a state of tranquility, the mental gaze concentrates on a chosen point. When calmness is immediately replaced by concentration, an appropriate area of excitation is formed in the cerebral cortex, selectively targeting pathogenic factors. Even more importantly, when concentrating, the practitioner enters a state of external immobility with internal movement.
This mobilizes the forces of self-regulation and self-healing, awakens and develops the body's internal reserves. In China and Tibet, physical and mental health have been regulated in this way for more than 3,000 years! By the way, even now in these cultures, psychosomatic disorders are not manifested as strongly as in Western culture, where the cult of suppressing oneself for the sake of social success reigns, where one does not know who he is and his whole life is about achieving social goals.

Meditation and qigong are very effective in correcting psychosomatics, and I teach my clients this art. 

Besides meditation I like sports. I go to the gym 4 times a week, and in between, I have cardio-training: treadmill or long walks in the fresh air.

This is another effective way of correcting psychosomatics: improving mood by increasing dopamine levels... 

Dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins are the hormones that cause feelings of happiness. The production of dopamine causes an addiction to something, as the body wants to experience happiness over and over again. Dopamine production during physical activity is related to the fact that it is synthesized from tyrosine, which is responsible for endurance. Therefore, during physical activity, serotonin and dopamine are released into the brain, and a feeling of satisfaction sets in. By the way, this feeling is also called runner's euphoria!

And another secret to correcting psychosomatic conditions is stretching

Our nervous system is responsible for the work of the muscles in the body. It sends signals to the right parts of the brain and spinal cord, and through a complex pathway, chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy. Under the influence of stress, a muscle spasm occurs. In terms of anatomy, a tight muscle is a shortened very tight, and stiff muscle in a local area (muscles of the face, chest, abdomen, back, limbs, neck, shoulders). 

Muscle cramps are excessive tension of muscles of a local nature. That is, certain muscle groups, become tense and remain in this state, regardless of whether they are doing any work or not. Prolonged mental tension always causes problems related to the nervous regulation of these muscle areas. A very good solution in this situation is to work with the spine using inversion. Using an inversion table allows you to get rid of back pain by relieving stress on the back and stretching the intervertebral discs. There is a relaxation of the muscles of the whole body, a general relaxation, a decrease in stress levels, stimulation of the blood and lymph flow.

Why did I tell you all this about me? So that YOU, my potential clients, will understand that I am a PRACTICAL practitioner. Everything that I will offer you for the correction of psychosomatic conditions, I have fully tested on myself and my clients.

Working with me - you are in good hands!
What you get in the process of correcting psychosomatic pathology:
  • You will begin to understand yourself and others better;
  • Your feelings will become smoother and more stable;
  • You will begin to accept yourself for who you are;
  • The emotional background of your life will improve dramatically;
  • You will feel like a healthier and more whole person;
  • Relationships with colleagues and friends and family members will greatly improve;
  • Your professional activity will be more successful;
  • You will learn how to build harmonious relationships in the family and with loved ones;
  • Your life will become calm: without feelings of fear, anxiety, and resentment;
  • Your life will be filled with meaning.
I will be glad to discuss the details of cooperation. Use the contact form to talk with me.
Corporate Clinical
Psychological Workshop By Todor Milykh (Master of Clinical Psychology (MCP))
  • Merbau Psychology LTD, 1000, Bulgaria, Sofia, Golo Bardo str. 16, office 5
  • +359 896 885 295
  • info@psyhologist.men

I will be glad to discuss the details of cooperation. Please send me information about the vacancy on one of messengers. Thank you for contacting me and have a nice and pleasant day!

* I conduct online reception all over the world

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